Great Ormond Street Hospital
"The respiratory unit at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), London is delighted to learn of the plans for a new lung function and sleep study facility in Cyprus dedicated to the care of children. We are very supportive of the acitivities of "The Breathing Life Trust" and their fund raising activities which, together with support from the Cyprus government and local paediatricians, will enable this vision for a breathing life lung centre for children in Cyprus to become a reality.
GOSH has seen and treated a number of children with breathing and lung disorders from Cyprus. As such we have got to know the local paediatricians well and have established a good working relationship with them in caring for these complex cases.
The planned facilities will provide a much needed service for the children of Cyprus who are experienceing breathing and sleeping disorders. The Respiratory unit at GOSH is very happy to work with the medical and fund raising teams in Cyprus, to ensure that these new facilities provide an appropriate and up to date service for children and would consider providing medical and technological support and training to ensure that these plans succeed."
Dr. Colin Wallis
Consultant Respiratory Paediatrican
Respiratory Unit
Great Ormond Street Hospital
Ministry of Health, Cyprus
"We would like to congratulate you for taking your initiative further and preparing for your fundraising activities in London.
We have seen the draft brochure that is prepared by Breathing Life Trust for the purpose of facilitating the fundraising campaign and we note with satisfaction the express of support in your initiative by world class scientists on the field of the Hospital for Sick Children at†Great Ormond Street in London.
In this respect, you can incorporate in your brochure the following supporting note on behalf of Dr. Agrotou, Head of the Medical Services of the Ministry of Health in†Cyprus. †On behalf of the Medical and Public Health Services of the Ministry of Health in Cyprus we extend a note of our support and deep appreciation for the initiative of the Breathing Live Trust to contribute in a structured way as outlined in this brochure in the upgrading of the current Paediatric Respiratory Unit in "Archbishop Makarios III" Hospital in Nicosia in to a state of the art ling centre for children. The Ministry of Health in†Cyprus†is committed in this partnership with Breathing Life Trust and is moving forward in a well thought and designed plan that would eventually materialized this noble vision.
We congratulate you for you efforts and initiatives for the children of our country with respiratory difficulties."
Dr. Agrotou
Director of Medical and Public Health Services
Ministry of Health, Cyprus
Makarios III Hospital, Nicosia, Cyprus
"On behalf of the Minister of Health Mr. Charis Charlambous, I wish to thank you for your intention to contribute to the upgrading of the Paerdiatric Respiratory Unit in Makarios Hospital in Nicosia. In particular we would like to compliment you and the charity "Breathing Life" for undertaking to donate funds of 200,000 pounds for the purchase of state of the art lung function equipment for the Hospital.
Following a designated metting last week of the Minister of Health, Ministry officials and the Head of the Paediatric Services of the Hospital, the donation of the proposed eqiupment was judged to be extremly useful and is expected to uniquely contribute to the promotion of the clinical and research services offered to all children in Cyprus with respiratory disorders. The Ministry of Health as a partner in this effort will undertake to provide in addition to the already existing spaces a space of 60 square meters within the Hospital for the installation of the new equipment and with completion of the donation will employ one laboratory technician and one more Paediatrician with respiratory expertise for the operational needs of the upgraded Paediatric Respiratory Unit.
Thank you very much once again for your kind offer and support. I look forward to hearing from you on the timetable of the Breathing Life donation to Makarios Hospital."
Dr. Agrotou
Director of Medical and Public Health Services
Ministry of Health, Cyprus
"I am honoured that you have thought of approaching me with the request that I be a Patron of the Trust and, as I have told you, I am delighted to accept.
Your proposed sponsored fund-raising activities which will both attract publicity and raise money for your excellent objectives are admirable and (I am sure) suitable for a healty and active young man such as yourself.
I assure you of my whole-hearted support for this Campaign, which will serve to create a greater sensitivity among our follow Cypriots towards the needs of young people with respiratory and other breathing difficulties.
Praying the Almighty God will bless this campaign and give you health and strength to bring it to a successful conclusion for the improvement of the quality of children's lives throughout Cyprus."
His Eminence Archbishop Gregorios of Thyateira & Great Britain