An international Art and Poetry Competition for all ages up to 18
The Breathing Life Trust held the Art for Life Prize 2010, in association with Marfin Laiki Bank and Ministries of Education in Cyprus and Greece.
The Art for Life Prize allowed children to express through imagery and words just how much they care about other children who are suffering and in need. Their creativity reminds us of the enormity of love, compassion and friendship which exists between children. Art for Life is their voice and their means to help other children who have to face struggles in their lives.
Click here to view the Winners and Finalists
The Breathing Life Trust Art for Life Prize 2010, was supported by the Ministries of Education of Cyprus and Greece.
The 2010 competition was dedicated to the memory of Costakis Perdikos and we introduced a special award in his name. Seldom has a child, shown such courage and will to survive when faced with the terrible reality of living with a severe lung condition. In the end he lost his battle but all who knew him him, will be remembered a little boy with a big heart filled with compassion and love.The Prize encouraged children to express through imagery and words how they care and feel about other children who are suffering and in need. Their creativity reminds us of the enormity of love, compassion and friendship which exists between children. Art for Life is their voice and their means to help other children who have to face struggles in their lives.
The theme for the 2010 Art for Life Prize was 'Love', particularly the power of Love to comfort and heal. Teachers and students were encouraged to visit hospitals, meet with doctors, nursing staff and children being treated and cared for. This we hope will lead to a greater understanding and lasting friendships for everyone involved. The winners' and finalists' work appeared extensively in media around the world, providing a messege of hope from children.
The journey of The Breathing Life Trust has also been one of creating friendships, and of providing a message about the power of the human spirit and the value of hope. These values lie within The Breathing Life Lung Centre for Children in Cyprus, which opened on October 22nd 2009. It's opening was a triumph of co-operation, innovation, and will to succeed between The Breathing Life Trust, The Cyprus Government, London's Great Ormond Street Hospital, and countless benevolent institutions, companies and individuals from all over the world. The centre is located within the Makarios III Hospital in Nicosia, and improves the quality of life of newborn babies and young children by offering advanced diagnostic techniques in the treatment of life threatening respiratory illnesses, as well as managing the treatment of thousands of children with severe respiratory illness and disease each year.
Our sincere thanks to everyone for their generosity and support which has helped us so much to fulfill our dreams. For the many children who participated in Art for Life, our hopes and dreams will continue to live on in your imagination and creativity. Thank you.